Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Bicycle With a Lesson or Two

    As the end of the marking period nears, it's come time to evaluate the work I've engaged my effort in these past weeks. This includes my drawing of the bicycle. The bicycle drawing has taught me two valuable lessons: perspective and development are keyAs an artist, I've learned that drawings require the right perspective and patient development. An artist's perspective is what creates the image on the paper; the perspective sets the whole mood of the drawing. If a drawing lacks perspective, it would feature nothing merely more than a flat, two-dimensional sketch. A drawing is a work in progress as a result of effort, not an immediate finished product resulting from a divine artistic talent. Time, patience, and LOTS of effort create development in a drawing. Progress paves the way for development, and development creates one thoughtful drawing. An artist must allow for development in their work, unless they plan on having an unsuccessful drawing experience. Development is a virtue in drawing, you must allow yourself to grow as an artist to achieve development.

  This experience of drawing the bicycle in art class gave me hope. Yes, hope! I entered this art class with a not-so-confident attitude and a minuscule idea of what is out there to explore in the world of art. This bicycle drawing taught me that your perspective as an artist is what makes or breaks your work! The right perspective allows for a more developed piece of work. To say development is crucially important in art would be a complete understatement. Development not only allows your work to improve, but your skills as an artist to improve. The whole learning process of art is one big journey, yet I've only just entered the rabbit hole. There is so much more to learn, and I've already learned two valuable artistic lessons.

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